The Lafour Prima Dance syllabus consists of a programme of dance specifically created to meet the needs of the following age groups.

Prima 1 - 3-4yrs

Prima 2 - 4-5yrs

Prima 3 - 5-6yrs

Prima 4 - 6-7yrs

Are the majority of children in your dance school aged between 3yrs and 7yrs?

If the answer is Yes then the classes which you are offering to this age group are probably the most important classes on your timetable.

Why introduce the Lafour Prima Dance Syllabus - when there are already dance organisations offering syllabi for younger children?

Because in observing children aged 3yrs - 7yrs over a period of 30 years two important factors have been included in creating this new syllabus for young children.

  1. The content of the syllabus is child centred and appropriate to each of the specific age groups.
  2. It is a well balanced varied dance programme without disproportionate emphasis on the mastery of technique

The Lafour Prima syllabus is a broad based programme which incorporates other important elements such as Percussion, Stagecraft & Rhythm games to provide the young dance student with a sound understanding of the basics of dance technique while retaining the all important fun aspect.

The majority of children who attend a dance class at the age of 3 yrs do so because parents/guardians/carers consider it to be a beneficial activity.
levels are often affected. This coincides with an emphasis from many of the major dance organisations on a more complex technically based dance syllabi.
As a result this can lead to a young student becoming disinterested and eventually stopping dance class altogether.Due to the demands of 21st century living - many parents are unable to commit to their children attending dance class more than once per week.
The Lafour Prima syllabus is a one year programme for each age group based on attendance once a week.

The aim of the Lafour Prima syllabus is to provide an interesting, varied, progressive dance syllabus with an accompanying enjoyable music content which will engage the children and also provide them with an evaluation/reward system at the end of each year.

At the end of the 4 years it is hoped that the students will have retained the enjoyment factor in their dance classes while benefiting from the acquisition of a good basic technique.

At 7+ years of age when a student is more able to focus and concentrate the transition can then be made to study more detailed classical ballet technique offered by any of the major dance organisations or indeed to change to another # dance discipline altogether (eg Tap or Modern) if it is offered within the dance school.


  1. The Lafour Prima syllabus will provide teachers with a programme of dance appropriate for each of the four age groups.
  2. The syllabus is prescriptive which may be of particular use to:
  1. Dance teachers new to teaching the age groups involved.
  2. Ex- dancers who would like to teach but cannot afford to enrol on the teacher training programmes offered by major dance organisations.
  3. Pre-school & Primary school teachers who would like to teach dance and need a syllabus and music that will inspire them with confidence and on which they can rely.
  4. Experienced teachers in established schools who are looking for an alternative programme for their younger students.
  1. Although designed as a prescriptive syllabus there is plenty of scope for the Lafour Prima syllabus to be used as a stimulus for further creativity and can be adapted and tailored to suit the creative needs of the teacher as well as the student.
  2. It will not be necessary for teachers to attend any training days and therefore no further cost will be involved.
  3. An internal evaluation and reward system is recommended at the end of each year of study which will include a report/certificate and medal.
    No external examiner will be necessary.
    Information on how to conduct the evaluation will be included in the Lafour Prima Syllabus package.
  4. The whole package will be available to all teachers irrespective of their qualifications or affiliations.
  5. Lafour Prima syllabus will be available on DVD with accompanying syllabus, music CD, additional teaching points, suggested lesson plans, annual evaluation system etc.
    The launch of the Lafour Prima 1,2,3,& 4 syllabi is scheduled for early July 2006.
    Details regarding cost, confirmed release date, methods of payment etc will be posted on the Lafour Prima Dance website early June 2006.

    If you are interested in reserving copies of the Lafour Prima syllabus or would like to be reminded nearer the release date please register your interest by emailing: